Foundations — Classical Conversations, Cycle 1, 2012-13
Here's a link to their website bookstore.

1. You'll need the latest edition of the Foundations Curriculum Guide. (1 per family)
(I have the 3rd edition, and we try and see what changes they made... I hate buying things I already have.)
2. Veritas Press History Cards- all sets. (They now are selling the Classical Conversations version of the History Cards. As I have already purchased the Veritas Press cards, and they still work great for us, we will continue to use them, and NOT be utilizing the CC History Cards.)
• Old Testament/ Ancient Egypt
• New Testament/ Ancient Greece
• The Middle Ages
• Explorers to 1815
• The Explorers 1815 to Modern
3. A Tin Whistle (1 per child)
4. Trivium Tables- Geography Cycle 1 (1 per child)
Trivium Tables: Geography Cycle 1
Item# FS051
This convenient resource provides everything students need to preview and review geography! Each laminated table lists the geography terms for the current Foundations cycle, map keys, and a large blackline master for students to trace, color, or copy as they learn. Tables fold to fit conveniently in a notebook or tote, so they go where you go!
Geography Cycle One includes World and Africa maps.
NICE TO HAVE: (I think it's a MUST HAVE too.)
1. Audio CDs
2. iPad App OR Cycle1 Memory Resource CD
3. Cycle 1 Memory Cards *** This is a must if you are hosting a Co-Op.
Foundations Audio CDs

Item# FS101
(These work great in your car, and you can download them to your computer and make your own playlists.)
This portable resource has gotten even better! In addition to math, history, Latin, English, timeline, science, and presidents songs we now bring you a history timeline tune, books of the Bible, and scripture memory tune! Weekly and subject summary formats.
Weekly CD includes tracks organized by week.
Subject CD includes tracks organized by subject.
Timeline CD includes tracks for new CC Classical Acts and Facts History Timeline cards.
Extra tracks on Timeline CD include overviews of Foundations, Essentials, and Challenge programs.
Foundations, Cycle 1, ipad App (about $7)
They just released the ipad App for Cycle 3 in February 2012.
I'm sure it won't take long for Cycle 1 to come out!
See link for Cycle 3.
Cycle 1 Memory Work Resource CD (about $30)
This is going to be re-released soon. Get the most current version.
Cycle 1 Memory Work Resource CD contains Foundations Cycle 1 Memory Work to animated PowerPoint© slide shows. A “must have” resource for Foundations parents and tutors. Includes animated slideshows with creative audio for history, geography, science, math, Latin and English grammar.
This resource is designed to aid in weekly preparation for parents and tutors, and weekly review for students.
Memory Cards Cycle 1
Do-It-Yourself Memory Work Flashcards (PDF file format)
This download is an economical alternative to purchasing the pre-made memory work flash cards. Create your own cards using this downloadable file and save a few dollars! Use for individual review, instant jeopardy-style review for home or class, and more.
Lab Kit is $71 + shipping. (FYI: We'll divide this among all the families)
Lab Kit is $69 + shipping. (FYI: We'll divide this among all the families)
One Notebook per person- for the entire school year.
Sketch Notebook 8 1/2 x 11. w/ horizontal lines
(You could get this Sketch Notebook instead, as it's the same thing.)
Item# AS035
Spring Semester we will be reading literature and then writing a paper on what we read.
Books we will be reading (Nice to have) Some you can get at the library:
Challenge A:
Nice to Have:
I will be spending a few minutes diagramming sentences in class each week. If you'd like to practice more at home, this is where we're getting the information from. These are excellent reference tools, and can be used with any curriculum as a quick reference. I consider them "A Must Have" also.
Item# ES023
Item# ES024
Item# ES002
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