Listen to: Claude Debussy- La Mer
Whole Tone Scale Used in dream sequences on TV and radio. Click Link to listen.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Classical Education Co-Op Fieldtrips 2011-12 Ideas
Olympic Heights Performing Arts Theatre Boca Raton, $11 to $26 a ticket
May 18, 19, 20, 2012
Friday, May 18, 2012
7:30 pm get tickets!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
2:30 pm get tickets!
7:30 pm get tickets!
Sunday, May 20, 2012
2:30 pm get tickets!
March 2-4th: New Presbyterian - Faith & Freedom Weekend - Banquest, Seminars, Concerts
Saturday, March 3 - Admission is Free
Pompano Beach High school Auditorium
Liberty Unleashed Experience - 4:30 p.m.
• Liberty Bell Replica
• Constitution Plaque Display
• Valley Forge Scene
• Educational Displays
Backstage Pass - 6:00 p.m.
• Reenactment of Patrick Henry’s Give Me Liberty Speech
• Lecture: Defender of Liberty - George Washington
• Tim Zimmerman & The King’s Brass Dress Rehearsal
Classical Education Co-Op Cycle 3 Fun Links
The Must List:
Song to memorize the US Presidents
The Timeline Cards Semester 1
The Timeline Cards Semester 2
Week 19:
The Orchestra Song for Semester 2 Cycle 3
Week 20:
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6, 4th movement,
The Just Because List:
Goofy songs for Semester 2 Cycle 3
Meg Ryan singing The Orchestra Song on You've Got Mail
Song to memorize the US Presidents
The Timeline Cards Semester 1
The Timeline Cards Semester 2
Week 19:
The Orchestra Song for Semester 2 Cycle 3
Week 20:
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6, 4th movement,
The Just Because List:
Goofy songs for Semester 2 Cycle 3
Meg Ryan singing The Orchestra Song on You've Got Mail
Learn fascinating facts about 20th Century Presidents. Each quiz selects 20 trivia facts at random from a total set of 340, offering unlimited play.
Handwriting Practice: Type in what you want. Audio CD's on American History- Free |
CC Week 19, Cycle 3
This semester we are concentrating on the Orchestra- Romantic & Modern Arrangements
The Orchestra Song
Enrichment Learning: Quizlet for Romantic / Modern Period & Instruments
The Orchestra Song
Enrichment Learning: Quizlet for Romantic / Modern Period & Instruments
Learn fascinating facts about 20th Century Presidents. Each quiz selects 20 trivia facts at random from a total set of 340, offering unlimited play. |
CC Week 20, Cycle 3
Tchaikovsky Symphony No.4 4th movement
Focus on this song:
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 6, 4th movement,
Best of the Russian Romantic Composers
Also a good listen:
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No. 4
St.Petersburg Philharmonica Conductor Erol Erdinç
I found the following on, and linked Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty.
Study the Master of Romantic Music -- Tchaikovsky
Remember the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies? Even if you think you don't, I'mpositive that you do! Listen to this midi file and you'll instantly recognize the tune. That famous piece was written by Tchaikovsky as part of The Nutcracker ballet.
Peter Tchaikovsky lived from 1840 - 1893 and is considered one of the great Romantic composers of Western music. He took passionate and fanciful tales such as Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake, and Sleeping Beauty and set them to beautiful music that was usually performed in ballets. Because most children are familiar with the stories of Tchaikovsky's music, he is a great musician to begin your habit of composer study.
Peter Tchaikovsky lived from 1840 - 1893 and is considered one of the great Romantic composers of Western music. He took passionate and fanciful tales such as Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake, and Sleeping Beauty and set them to beautiful music that was usually performed in ballets. Because most children are familiar with the stories of Tchaikovsky's music, he is a great musician to begin your habit of composer study.
Studying Tchaikovsky
Some of his most famous pieces, and ones that you'll want to include in your study are:
- The Nutcracker Suite
- Swan Lake
- Romeo and Juliet
- The Sleeping Beauty
- the 1812 Overture
- Symphony #6 - the Pathetique
- the Piano Concerto in Bb.
You can find free midi files (listen online or download) at Classical Midi Connection. (I find the site a bit odd. Look for the part that says, "Right-click here and select "save as" to download file, or left-click to play it on your own default MIDI player." That's where you'll actually get to the midi file.)
Or there are a few MP3 files (better quality than midi files) at Encyclomedia. (Please be aware that this site may have some unseemly links on the right hand side.)Karadar Classical Music also has a few free music files. And the BBC offers some selections in both excerpt and full tracks.
Or there are a few MP3 files (better quality than midi files) at Encyclomedia. (Please be aware that this site may have some unseemly links on the right hand side.)Karadar Classical Music also has a few free music files. And the BBC offers some selections in both excerpt and full tracks.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Classical Education Co-Op What to Buy- Cycle 1
We are utilizing the following curriculum:
Foundations — Classical Conversations, Cycle 1, 2012-13
Here's a link to their website bookstore.
1. You'll need the latest edition of the Foundations Curriculum Guide. (1 per family)
(I have the 3rd edition, and we try and see what changes they made... I hate buying things I already have.)
2. Veritas Press History Cards- all sets. (They now are selling the Classical Conversations version of the History Cards. As I have already purchased the Veritas Press cards, and they still work great for us, we will continue to use them, and NOT be utilizing the CC History Cards.)
• Old Testament/ Ancient Egypt
• New Testament/ Ancient Greece
• The Middle Ages
• Explorers to 1815
• The Explorers 1815 to Modern
3. A Tin Whistle (1 per child)
NICE TO HAVE: (I think it's a MUST HAVE too.)
1. Audio CDs
2. iPad App OR Cycle1 Memory Resource CD
3. Cycle 1 Memory Cards *** This is a must if you are hosting a Co-Op.
Foundations Audio CDs
(These work great in your car, and you can download them to your computer and make your own playlists.)
This portable resource has gotten even better! In addition to math, history, Latin, English, timeline, science, and presidents songs we now bring you a history timeline tune, books of the Bible, and scripture memory tune! Weekly and subject summary formats.
Weekly CD includes tracks organized by week.
Subject CD includes tracks organized by subject.
Timeline CD includes tracks for new CC Classical Acts and Facts History Timeline cards.
Extra tracks on Timeline CD include overviews of Foundations, Essentials, and Challenge programs.
Foundations, Cycle 1, ipad App (about $7)
They just released the ipad App for Cycle 3 in February 2012.
I'm sure it won't take long for Cycle 1 to come out!
See link for Cycle 3.
Cycle 1 Memory Work Resource CD (about $30)
This is going to be re-released soon. Get the most current version.
Cycle 1 Memory Work Resource CD contains Foundations Cycle 1 Memory Work to animated PowerPoint© slide shows. A “must have” resource for Foundations parents and tutors. Includes animated slideshows with creative audio for history, geography, science, math, Latin and English grammar.
This resource is designed to aid in weekly preparation for parents and tutors, and weekly review for students.
Co-Op Afternoon Classes Must Have:
Challenge A Must Have:
Foundations — Classical Conversations, Cycle 1, 2012-13
Here's a link to their website bookstore.

1. You'll need the latest edition of the Foundations Curriculum Guide. (1 per family)
(I have the 3rd edition, and we try and see what changes they made... I hate buying things I already have.)
2. Veritas Press History Cards- all sets. (They now are selling the Classical Conversations version of the History Cards. As I have already purchased the Veritas Press cards, and they still work great for us, we will continue to use them, and NOT be utilizing the CC History Cards.)
• Old Testament/ Ancient Egypt
• New Testament/ Ancient Greece
• The Middle Ages
• Explorers to 1815
• The Explorers 1815 to Modern
3. A Tin Whistle (1 per child)
4. Trivium Tables- Geography Cycle 1 (1 per child)
Trivium Tables: Geography Cycle 1
Item# FS051
This convenient resource provides everything students need to preview and review geography! Each laminated table lists the geography terms for the current Foundations cycle, map keys, and a large blackline master for students to trace, color, or copy as they learn. Tables fold to fit conveniently in a notebook or tote, so they go where you go!
Geography Cycle One includes World and Africa maps.
NICE TO HAVE: (I think it's a MUST HAVE too.)
1. Audio CDs
2. iPad App OR Cycle1 Memory Resource CD
3. Cycle 1 Memory Cards *** This is a must if you are hosting a Co-Op.
Foundations Audio CDs

Item# FS101
(These work great in your car, and you can download them to your computer and make your own playlists.)
This portable resource has gotten even better! In addition to math, history, Latin, English, timeline, science, and presidents songs we now bring you a history timeline tune, books of the Bible, and scripture memory tune! Weekly and subject summary formats.
Weekly CD includes tracks organized by week.
Subject CD includes tracks organized by subject.
Timeline CD includes tracks for new CC Classical Acts and Facts History Timeline cards.
Extra tracks on Timeline CD include overviews of Foundations, Essentials, and Challenge programs.
Foundations, Cycle 1, ipad App (about $7)
They just released the ipad App for Cycle 3 in February 2012.
I'm sure it won't take long for Cycle 1 to come out!
See link for Cycle 3.
Cycle 1 Memory Work Resource CD (about $30)
This is going to be re-released soon. Get the most current version.
Cycle 1 Memory Work Resource CD contains Foundations Cycle 1 Memory Work to animated PowerPoint© slide shows. A “must have” resource for Foundations parents and tutors. Includes animated slideshows with creative audio for history, geography, science, math, Latin and English grammar.
This resource is designed to aid in weekly preparation for parents and tutors, and weekly review for students.
Memory Cards Cycle 1
Do-It-Yourself Memory Work Flashcards (PDF file format)
This download is an economical alternative to purchasing the pre-made memory work flash cards. Create your own cards using this downloadable file and save a few dollars! Use for individual review, instant jeopardy-style review for home or class, and more.
Lab Kit is $71 + shipping. (FYI: We'll divide this among all the families)
Lab Kit is $69 + shipping. (FYI: We'll divide this among all the families)
One Notebook per person- for the entire school year.
Sketch Notebook 8 1/2 x 11. w/ horizontal lines
(You could get this Sketch Notebook instead, as it's the same thing.)
Item# AS035
Spring Semester we will be reading literature and then writing a paper on what we read.
Books we will be reading (Nice to have) Some you can get at the library:
Challenge A:
Nice to Have:
I will be spending a few minutes diagramming sentences in class each week. If you'd like to practice more at home, this is where we're getting the information from. These are excellent reference tools, and can be used with any curriculum as a quick reference. I consider them "A Must Have" also.
Item# ES023
Item# ES024
Item# ES002
Classical Education Co-Op Calendar and Details 2012-13
We are utilizing the following curriculum:
Foundations — Classical Conversations, Cycle 1, 2012-13
Calendar 2012–13
24 Weeks of classes divided into 4 quarters. Each Quarter has 6 weeks. The last day of each Quarter we will have all the Co-ops meet together to do class together in a park or another location.
We will meet on Thursday mornings from 9 to 12.
Sign up:
This is a Co-Op, so technically, you could sign up the week we get started.
However, I think you will be committed much better if you let me know at the beginning of the summer. I am located in Palm Beach County if you would like to be part of our Quarter End Reviews and Parent Nights. Please email me early to find out who else is joining us.
It is best to find 2 friends who want to join you at your home or at a park. You can meet with the rest of us quarterly. If you only find 1 friend, the chances are greater that it will not continue for the year- as unforeseeable events always arise. If this does happen, it is possible to link up with another group if they have room in their home.
You will need to pick one person as the lead person of your group, and pick your location to meet. I will be the Co-Op Director- which decides on dates and locations of our Quarterly Reviews, and Parent Night Activities, as well as the calendaring of these dates. Field-trips invitations are welcome from everyone.
**This is not a drop off program. It works best if a parent is present for all of the classes.
Parents Meeting:
Aug 8, 2013.(Wed.) 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Make sure you have all the materials you need to get started. Review of our plan for the upcoming year. Ready, Set, Go!
Challenge A Starts:
Aug: 16 10:30 - 12:00 IEW Class
Qtr 1:
Aug: 23, 30
Sept: 6, 13, 20, 27
Quarter End Get Together Sept. 27, 2012. Curriculum review games.
Break: Oct 4 (Possible Field trip)
Qtr 2:
Oct: 11, 18, 25
Nov: 1, 8, 15
Quarter End Get Together Nov 15, 2012. Curriculum review games.
Semester End Parent Night. (Thurs., Dec. 6), 7 p.m.
Break: Class resumes in January
(Challenge A still meets on: Thurs. Nov. 29, Thurs. Dec. 6. 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.)
Fieldtrip: Young At Art- Thurs. Nov. 30, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
(Challenge A still meets on: Thurs. Nov. 29, Thurs. Dec. 6. 1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.)
Fieldtrip: Young At Art- Thurs. Nov. 30, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Park Days
- Dec 7 Sugar Sand Park, (Military Trail, South of Palmetto & North of Camino Real)
- Dec 14 Village of Hillsboro Park, (4111 NW 6th St., Deerfield Beach)
- Dec 21 No Park Day
- Dec 28 South County Regional Park, (West of Boca Raton, 12551 Glades Rd.)
- Jan 4 Patch Reef Park, (Yamato, West of Military Trail)
Days: Fridays, 10:30 – 12:00
1. Field trip: Young At Art
Qtr 3:
Jan: 10, 16 (Wednesday Class), 24, 31
Feb: 7, (CHAA Saints Track Meet)
Feb. 14, 21
Feb. 14 Valentine's Party also
Feb 21 (TBD) Quarter End Get Together. Curriculum review games.
Break: Feb. 28 (Possible Field trip)
Qtr 4:
Mar: 7, 14, 21, 28
Apr: 4, 11, 18 (one week will be a field trip)
Apr 18 Quarter End Get Together. Curriculum review games. Break one week after.
Year End Parent Night. (Apr 19 or 20)
Class Day Schedule
We are overlapping our Foundations (K–6) and Challenge A (7–9) groups. This is the simplified schedule listed below. To see in more detail, visit the Challenge A page.
8:50 Arrive
9:00 – 9:30 Science
9:30 – 10:15 Student Presentations and Impromptu Oral Reports
10:15 – 10:45 Grammar Review
10:45 – 11:10 Fine Art
11:10 – 11:15 Snack and Restroom break
11:15 – 11:30 Devotional and Scripture Mastery
11:30 – 12:00 New Grammar
12:00 – 12:20 Lunch and Light Clean up
12:20– 12:55 Free Play
1:00 – 2:00 Optional Enrichment Class: Apologia Zoology-
Fall: Swimming Creatures and Spring: Land Animals
2:00 – 2:15 Optional Enrichment Class: Grammar- Sentence Diagramming
2:15 – 3:15 Optional Enrichment Class: Story of the World– Ancients
3:15 – 3:20 Clean up
The Student Presentations, Grammar Review and New Grammar will be led by the homeowner, as well as the flow through the Class Day Schedule. They will announce what is next to the group.
Program Tuition and Fees
Art and Science and Misc. Supply Fee: $50 per student (Non-refundable)
No other fees. (We are doing this program Co-op Style).
FYI: The regular Classical Conversations program charges a fee per year per student, as well as a Registration fee and a Yearly Facility Fee.
Morning Devotional
We will start every class day by honoring the Lord through prayer. We will also cover important announcements.
• Welcome by Home owner.
• Announcements by Director.
• Family Led:
• Prayer
(Stand a Little Taller, or similar daily thought book)
• Pledge to the American Flag
• Dismiss to Class by Director.
We will be having Devotional time during our morning, which will focus on the following also:
• Scripture Mastery (Exodus Ch. 20) and Qtr. focus
• Scripture Devotional
We will rotate the assignment of Prayer, Scripture Mastery, Devotional and Pledge to a different family each week.
**Scripture Mastery: These can be downloaded as mp3 files at — Download— Study material — New Testament or Old Testament.
All Year: Exodus Ch. 20
Qtr 1: Exodus Ch 20: 3–17 Ten Commandments abbreviated.
Qtr 2: Joshua 1:8 This book of the law
Qtr 3: Luke 24:36–39 Jesus himself stood in the midst of them
Qtr 4: 2 Timothy 3:16–17 All scripture is given by inspiration
All Year: Exodus Ch. 20
Qtr 1: Exodus Ch 20: 3–17 Ten Commandments abbreviated.
Qtr 2: Joshua 1:8 This book of the law
Qtr 3: Luke 24:36–39 Jesus himself stood in the midst of them
Qtr 4: 2 Timothy 3:16–17 All scripture is given by inspiration
For the Qtr Scripture Mastery scriptures, the goal is to become familiar with them. One family member will read the scripture aloud, and then invite everyone to read it with them. By repeating it every week during the quarter, recognition will be achieved. Our main goal is to memorize Exodus Chapter 20. Depending on your family, you can decide if memorization is required for Quarter scriptures. We are learning the King James Version of the Bible in class.
Why King James Version? Learning the language of the scriptures is giving our children the gift of language. This version is similar to learning a foreign language. Once you become familiar with it, it unlocks so many doors throughout life.
Student Presentations
Every week (or every other week if your individual Co-Op decides), each student will have the opportunity to develop the important skills of speaking and listening by giving a 2–3 minute presentation during class time. The younger students can use this as show-and-tell time and may even need their mother's assistance in a question/answer format. Eventually, every child will be eager to speak so teachers will begin working with them to improve their presentation skills including eye contact, posture, pace, and volume.
The teachers have a rotating list of suggested topics for the older students to help them narrow their focus for each of the six weeks in every quarter. Another idea is to use this time to present papers the students have written for their grammar / writing classes or other homeschooling classes.
• Week 1: My favorite...
• Week 2: History (biography, event in time) or Geography
• Week 3: Art or music (biography, instrument, style, epoch)
• Week 4: Science or Collections
• Week 5: Book Report or Poetry Selection
• Week 6: Impromptu topics (three given by the tutor six minutes before the student is to speak; students choose one)
Impromptu Oral Reports are given each week. We call these "Table Topics". We get the group warmed up by having each person stand and speak clearly for 3 to 5 sentences on an easy topic. IE: My favorite food, or What I had for dinner last night. We watch for um or filler words, and we give friendly advice. Adults also participate and model good speaking skills for students. Depending on the size of the group, this may or may not include everyone.
Semester End Family NightFriday, Date near middle of November, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: TBD
• Prepare a memorized oral report on (To be discussed) that is 3 to 5 minutes. Come dressed as the person you are talking about, or have something fun to share. Start thinking now on what you'd like to share.
• Artwork will be displayed
• Any artwork you have done at home on the same subjects covered in class may be displayed.
• Tin Whistle Song
• Appetizers and Desserts
• Great photo opportunity, and a night for Dad's and grandparents to see what's going on.
Year End Family Night
Friday, Date near end of April, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: TBD
• Prepare a memorized oral report on Ancient History that is 3 to 5 minutes. Come dressed as the person you are talking about, or have something fun to share. Start thinking now on what you'd like to share.
• Artwork will be displayed
• Any artwork you have done at home on the same subjects covered in class may be displayed.
• Orchestra Song
• If you play an instrument, we'd love to hear it. Piano, flute, guitar... pick your favorite song to share with us.
• Great photo opportunity, and a night for Dad's and grandparents to see what's going on.
Field Trips
It would be nice to go on two field trips as a group during the year. Possibly during the week that we have a break, or over the Christmas holiday. Some ideas are attending a Symphony, or art museum that have to do with topics we are covering in class.
Last year we went to the Joe Dimaggio's Children's Hospital, and the Flaggler Museum in West Palm Beach together.
This curriculum is great for grades K – 8. If you have older children who would like to participate with your group and family (Grades 7 and 8), assign them teaching roles as well as being a student. This curriculum is wonderful for all ages. For Parents Night, all ages are welcome to participate in Oral Reports, as well as in your own individual Co-Ops. The curriculum states K-6, but that is for your discretion.
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