Wednesday, January 11, 2012

CC- Week 13

Busy Folk Art Scene
Inspired by Grandma Moses

Create your own.  Assignment found in the Discovering Great Artists book.

*  Print a picture done by Grandma Moses out and place it at home, or make flash cards to help remember the artist better.

Timeline link:

Week 13
Discovery (John Calvin)
•John Calvin & The Institutes
•Cortez de Soto, de Leon & Coronado: The Spanish Explorers
•The Council of Trent
•John Knox, The Scottish Reformer
•Explorers of the Northeast: Cartier, Champlain & Cabot
•Raleigh Settles Roanoke
•Jamestown Is Founded in Virginia
•The Mayflower Lands At Plymouth

Science Additional Reading:

Chapter 1:  The Universe and its origin.
Counting the starts
How big is the Universe?
How can we measure star distances?
Did our universe have a beginning?
An orderly universe
The law of entropy
Why doesn't everyone believe in God?

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