Friday, January 13, 2012

Homeschool Daily Schedule Planner

So, it seems I reinvent this about every 6 months or so when I realize that the older system isn't working for our family.  Here's my next attempt.  

My last one (The weekly instead of monthly view had us writing in activities daily, ie. lesson numbers, etc.  I have goals that I've made for the year in math, and our co-ops have weekly assignments already laid out.  I figured if they just mark that they worked on it, it would suffice the "daily record" requirement for homeschooling.  I will just attach the lesson outlines for our co-ops and math at the end of the Mead folder when it comes time to do portfolio reviews.)

Double click on image.  Should fit inside a Mead 11 1/2 x 9 3/8 brad folder easily. 
Calendar is off-center to allow for the brads on the left side.

These versions below are more specific to my schedule.
I also wrote up a task sheet for the week that I put up on the wall.
I'm hoping to update it weekly with new reading assignments and lesson numbers
so the statement "I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing" is lessened.

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