Friday, December 30, 2011

CC Semester 2- Quarter 3

Hi everyone!

I hope you are having a great Christmas Vacation.

So we'll all be on the same page... I'm sending out a reminder about Grammar, CC & Human Anatomy.
Dates, times, & what to be prepared with.

Qtr 3: 
Week 13     Jan 12 
Week 14     Jan 19 
Week 15     Jan 26
Break           Feb 2

Week 16     Feb 9
Week 17     Feb 16
Week 18     Feb 23
Break           Mar 1

Grammar Class will resume on Tuesday, Jan 10, 2012.  2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Come with your Christmas story for extra credit if you did one.
Please remember to pay your kids for their tickets from Semester 1.  (I am paying my kids 10 cents a ticket.)
I'm thinking about having a spelling test each time when they come based on the words in the back of the binder.  What do you all think about this? There are different levels.

Classical Conversations & Human Anatomy will resume on Thursday, Jan 12, 2012.

CC- at my home.  9 a.m. to Noon.
Quarter 3 focus:  Chemistry & Artists

*  My husband has agreed to do the Chemistry Experiment from 9 to 9:30 a.m.
This means that we need to have everyone arrive at 8:45a.m. to start on time.
It is 15 minutes earlier than we have been meeting so far.
We will have our devotional and Public Speaking after the experiment.
We will be introducing Week 13 that day.
Please review weeks 1-12 for our review games.

Public Speaking:
Week 13:  Lehenbauer 1, Whiting 1, Kleppe. 
Topic:  My favorite
Time:  2 to 3 minutes.
Watch um words.  Practice before you speak.
We will have everyone doing an impromptu 30 second talk.  This is in addition to the prepared talks.

Human Anatomy & Reading Literature, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m., and 2:30 to 3:00 p.m.

Come having read Week 13's information.
Try and catch up on any pages that you haven't finished in the Notebook.
I am currently looking into having someone help us teach the third week.  It is still being worked through.  

Literature:  We will be reading The Lion, The Witch & the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.

Please have a copy of the book by this date.  We will be introducing the book.  You do not need to purchase the study guide if you don't want to.

Wk: 13   Pre-reading activities
Wk: 14   Ch. 1-2
Wk: 15   Ch. 3-4
Wk: 16   Ch. 5-6
Wk: 17   Ch. 7-8
Wk: 18   Ch. 9-10
Wk: 19   Ch. 11-12
Wk: 20   Ch. 13-14
Wk: 21   Ch. 15, 16 & 17
Wk: 22   Conclusion
Wk: 23
Wk: 24

That's about it.
Thanks for all you do to help create a great environment for our kids to learn in.
Great information.  Great friends.  Great mentors.

Love to all of you,

Ms. Candi

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