Monday, July 9, 2012

CC- Cycle 1 Co-Op Weekly Assignments

Fall Semester

Foundations:  12 weeks

Challenge A:  15 weeks

CC Foundations:  9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  Cycle 1
                         Challenge Students:  Exposition & Rhetoric & Cycle 1
Lunch Discussion:  12:00 p.m. – 12:15 p.m.  Tin Whistle
Enrichment Activities:  1 – 3:00 p.m.  Zoology, Grammar & SOTW

Curriculum Used:
Zoo2:  Exploring Creation with Zoology 2- Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day (Apologia)
SOTW:    Story of the World, by Susan Wise Bauer, Focus on Ancients (Vol. 1), all 4 volumes used.
Oral Reports:  Prepare a 2-3 minute report.
IEW:  Institute for Excellence in Writing, Bible Based Workbook
It Couldn't Just Happen, by Lawrence Richards
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and Workbook, by Sean Covey
*OMT:  Our Mother Tongue   (* Indicates 3rd grade and up)

Story of the World Chapters and CC Weeks- Cycle 1
Click on image below to enlarge and print.


Quarter 1
Aug:  23, 30
Sept: 6, 13, 20, 27
Quarter End Get Together Sept. 27, 2012.  Curriculum review games. 
Break: Oct 4 (Possible Field trip)

Pre-Week 1- Aug 15

Challenge A:   
Exposition:     "IEW- Bible", Lesson introduction, Ch. 1& 2.  Have Ch 3 completed by next week.

Week 1- Aug 23
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 1 read for class discussion. Aquatic Animals.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   My Favorite

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 1, Subject/Predicate,  Lesson 10-12, 26
                          Punctuation rule 1

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 1 read for class discussion.  Aquatic Animals.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Have Ch 4 completed by next week.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 1, Subject/Predicate,  Lesson 10-12, 26

                        Punctuation rule 1

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Introduction
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Get in the Habit for class discussion.

Week 2- Aug 30


CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 2 read for class discussion.  Whales.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   History (biography, event in time) or Geography

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 2, Verb Overview,  Lesson 2, 38-43

                          Punctuation rule 2

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 2 read for class discussion.  Whales.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Have lessons 5 & 6 completed by next week.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 1, Subject/Predicate,  Lesson 10-12, 26

                          Punctuation rule 2

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 1 read for class discussion.
                         Journal:  Write down thoughts on question 4 on page 16 in "It Couldn't Just Happen."
                              Which do you think is the best evidence for God's existence:  the universe or God's    
                               effect in your life?  Why?  
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Wk Bk Get in the Habit completed

Week 3- Sept. 6


CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 3 read for class discussion.  Seals and Sea Cows.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Art or music (biography, instrument, style, epoch)

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 3, Nouns/Pronouns,  Lesson 1, 28-33

                          Punctuation rule 3

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 3 read for class discussion.  Seals and Sea Cows.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Have lesson 7 & 8 prepared for next week.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 3, Nouns/Pronouns,  Lesson 1, 28-33

                          Punctuation rule 3

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 2 read for class discussion.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Paradigms and Principles.

                        ** Talk with parent for this chapter.

Week 4- Sept. 13


CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 4 read for class discussion.  Aquatic Herps.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Science or Collections

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 4, Interjections,  Lesson 8

                          Punctuation rule 4

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 4 read for class discussion.  Aquatic Herps.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lesson 9, 10 prepared for next week.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 4, Interjections,  Lesson 8

                          Punctuation rule 4

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 3 read for class discussion.
                             Answer question 1 and why.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Workbook pgs. 13-20.
                        Paradigms and Principles completed.
                        ** Talk with parent for this chapter.

Week 5- Sept. 20
CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 5 read for class discussion.  Primeval Reptiles.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Book Report or Poetry Selection

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 5, Review

                          Punctuation rule 5

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 5 read for class discussion.  Primeval Reptiles.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lessons 11, 12 prepared for next week

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 5, Review

                          Punctuation rule 5

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 4 read for class discussion.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Personal Bank Account
                         Workbook pgs. 21-25.

Week 6- Sept. 27


CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 6 read for class discussion.  Fish.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Impromptu topics or My Favorite

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 6, Conjunctions, Lesson 7, 21

                          Punctuation rule 6

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 6 read for class discussion.  Fish.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Qtr 1:  Exodus Ch 20: 3–17   Ten Commandments abbreviated.

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lesson 13 prepared for next week. Review.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 6, Conjunctions, Lesson 7, 21

                          Punctuation rule 6

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 4 Read.  Choose one question to write answer to.
                          Scripture Mastery checkoff.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read pgs. 35-37 (Small Acts of Kindness),  
                         Workbook pgs. 25-26.  

                         Focus on small acts of kindness so you can share with the younger kids.


Quarter 2

Oct: 11, 18, 25
Nov: 1, 8, 15

Quarter End Get Together Nov 15, 2012.  Curriculum review games. 
Semester End Parent Night.  (Nov. 16 or 17)
Break:  Class resumes in January

Week 7- Oct. 11


CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 7 read for class discussion.  Sharks and Rays.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   My Favorite

Scripture:         Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 7, Adverbs, Lesson 7, 21

                          Punctuation rule 7

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 7 read for class discussion.  Sharks and Rays.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lessons 14 & 15 prepared for next week.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 7, Adverbs, Lesson 7, 21

                          Punctuation rule 7

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 5 read for class discussion. Choose one question
                          to write answer to.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Habit 1
                          Pg. 51, write down the Proactive Language chart and post them somewhere you can
                          see them.

Week 8- Oct. 18

CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 8 read for class discussion.  Crustaceans.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   History (biography, event in time) or Geography

Scripture:         Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 8, Prepositions, Lesson 6, 16, 19, 21

                          Punctuation rule 8

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 8 read for class discussion.  Crustaceans.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lessons 16 & 17 prepared for next week.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 8, Prepositions, Lesson 6, 16, 19, 21

                          Punctuation rule 8

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 6 read for class discussion.
                               Choose one question to write answer to.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Wk Bk Habit 1 completed

Week 9- Oct. 25


CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 9 read for class discussion.  Mollusks.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Art or music (biography, instrument, style, epoch)

Scripture:         Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 9, Linking Verbs, Lesson 2, 23

                          Punctuation rule 9

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 9 read for class discussion.  Mollusks.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lesson 18 only prepared for next week.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 9, Linking Verbs, Lesson 2, 23

                          Punctuation rule 9

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 7 read for class discussion. Choose one question
                           to write answer to.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Habit 2

Week 10- Nov. 1


CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 10 read for class discussion.  Cephalopods.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Science or Collections

Scripture:         Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 10, Adjectives, Lesson 3, 13-17, 24

                          Punctuation rule 10

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 10 read for class discussion.  Cephalopods.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lesson 19 only prepared for next week.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 10, Adjectives, Lesson 3, 13-17, 24

                          Punctuation rule 10

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 8 read for class discussion. Choose one question
                            to write answer to.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Wk Bk Habit 2 completed

Week 11- Nov. 8


CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 11 read for class discussion.  Echinoderms.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Book Report or Poetry Selection

Scripture:         Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

*OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 11, Review, Lesson 23-24

                          Punctuation rule 11

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 11 read for class discussion.  Echinoderms.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lesson 25.  (Also 26?)  Saving lessons 21-24 for end of semester.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 11, Review, Lesson 23-24

                          Punctuation rule 11

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 9 read for class discussion.  Choose one question    
                          to write answer to.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Habit 3

Week 12-  Nov. 15

CC Memory:   Review memory work from previous weeks.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 12 read for class discussion.  Cindarians.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Semester End Family Night Practice Speech

Scripture:         Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 11, Review, Lesson 23-24

                          Punctuation rule 12

Challenge A:   
CC Memory:   New Information will be presented today.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 12 read for class discussion.  Cindarians.

SOTW:            See images above.

Oral Reports:   Share IEW assignment, or notes from readings, or weekly topic.

Scripture:          Exodus Ch 20, and  Qtr 2:  Joshua 1:8,  This book of the law

Research:         Notes from Zoology reading

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lesson 29 only for next week.

OMT:              Introduce:  Student Mastery Week 11, Review, Lesson 23-24

                          Punctuation rule 12

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", No Assignment this week.  Scripture Mastery Pass Off.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Wk Bk Habit 3 completed

Week-  Nov. 29- 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Candi's House
Challenge A:

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lesson Lesson 21 and 22 for next week.  (2:00 - 3:00 p.m.)
Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 10 read for class discussion.

Zoo2:               Have Lesson 13 read for class discussion.   (1:00 - 2:00 p.m.)

Week-  Dec. 6- 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. Candi's House
Challenge A:

Exposition:       "IEW- Bible", Lesson.  Special Christmas Gift Assignment.

Parent's Night:  7:00 p.m. Tonight!
"Under the Sea" Christmas Party!
Prepare your best Oral Report of the Semester- 3-5 minutes.  Include visual aides- or dress up like your report.

*Your parents, grand parents, anyone you want for an audience.
* Dessert or Appetizer from the theme "Under the Sea"
* Your Tin Whistle   "Jingle Bells"
* Bring a wrapped White Elephant Gift.  (Siblings can also participate.  Bring one white elephant gift (inexpensive new or used in good condition gift for each person wanting to participate in the gift exchange.  Kids only.)

End of Fall Semester 
Class resumes Jan. 10, 2013, at Candi's House.


Semester Review:  1/11/2013

We found it a bit challenging to combine Challenge A during Foundations time (9 a.m. - 12).  The older kids missed the review, and it was too short of a time to teach IEW effectively.  We chose to use a different art curriculum than the one suggested by CC.  No one was really interested in learning the tin whistle during lunch time.  In the future, I think it would be nice to have an "Art Break", and do the CC curriculum of music.

It Couldn't Just Happen  and 7 Habits did not get enough time to discuss properly during this semester.  We're trying it during lunch time next semester.  All are reading the science book "It Couldn't Just Happen", as the subjects discussed are good ones.  Only Challenge is reading 7 Habits, but all are invited to participate in the discussion if wanted.

Next semester, we've decided to not do zoology (land animals) in the afternoon enrichment time, and do the Literature/IEW class instead, as well as 15 minutes of grammar (from Essentials, or Our Mother Tongue.)  We're having all the kids do the literature/writing assignments- on varied levels.

Parent's Night went great!  We are able to rent the Community Center for Free, which allows us a space to have official oral report time, and a place to display the kid's art projects.  They also have show off time, where they can show their favorite sentences that we've learned for the year so far.  Helps with memorization to have a performance at the end.  We also have a table displaying the curriculum we used for the year- as an invitation to other homeschoolers, or prospective homeschoolers to look through.

My goal is to have about 10 families doing this in small groups of 3 to 4 families per house.  We would then get together for Quarter End games, and for Parent's Night for Semester End.  So far we've had consistently 4 families for 2 years, although the families have changed due to family circumstances.  Our first year we only had 2 families, and that didn't work out well.  Too easy to not do it.  With 4 families, we were able to survive family challenges, sickness, etc. and still get class done.  We also rotated homes this semester.  Next semester, we're just doing it at my home to make it easier while I'm expecting- not so many things to carry to another location.

All in all, it was a great Semester, and I'm excited to get together with our other CC families for support!


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