Monday, July 9, 2012

7th Grade- Challenge A- Co-Op

From the Classical Conversations Challenge A resource list.  
As we do not have access to the curriculum outline, we are making our own,.
7th - 9th Grade

Replacement:  Latin for Children
"Biology 100+ Lab Sheets" replaced by "Apologia- Zoology"

Replacement:  "Don't Check Your Brains at the Door" replaced by 
"Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens"


     Nature Study and Zoology (Swimming Creatures)
     Sketch Notebook
     Record their research, illustrate, or make a model of their findings and present their results during seminar.

    Latin for Children  (At Home Only)

Exposition and Composition
     Creative Writing
     IEW—Bible Based Writing Lessons

     Clear Reasoning.  Two general topics are discussed during the year.  Students will be assigned weekly reading, outlining, and summarizing of key ideas and arguments and will be asked to memorize a series of question-and-answer facts.  In seminar, discussions on material studied, challenging students to defend their views.
     It Couldn't Just Happen
     Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Saxon 8/7 or Algebra 1/2 (To be done at home)

Geography:  Goal of this seminar is for students to draw the world from memory.


     Nature Study and Zoology (Land Animals)
     Sketch Notebook
     Drawing, labeling, and memorizing.

     Latin for Children (At Home Only)
Exposition and Composition
     Children's Literature.
     Students read the assigned novel one week for class discussion.  The second week, students write a short essay on the book, with emphasis on creative writing and grammatical correctness.  Titles include "Words Aptly Spoken:  Children's Literature"
     •  Amos Fortune
     •  The Bronze Bow
     •  Carry On Mr. Bowditch
     •  The Door in the Wall
     •  The Magician's Nephew
     •  Number the Stars
     •  The Secret Garden

     Clear Reasoning.  Two general topics are discussed during the year.  Students will be assigned weekly reading, outlining, and summarizing of key ideas and arguments and will be asked to memorize a series of question-and-answer facts.  In seminar, discussions on material studied, challenging students to defend their views.
     It Couldn't Just Happen
     Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Saxon 8/7 or Algebra 1/2  (To be done at home)

Geography:  Goal of this seminar is for students to draw the world from memory.


Class Day Schedule
Foundations and Challenge A

Green:  Activities are done together
Black:  Challenge A Only

As our group has many new students to Foundations Cycle 1, we are including the Grammar Review and New Grammar into our Challenge A curriculum.  Latin Grammar and Logic will not be included in this Co-Op's activities.  They can be done at home, or in another Co-Op.

8:50 Arrive

9:00 – 9:30 Research: Science Experiment

9:30 – 10:15 Student Presentations and Impromptu Oral Reports 
                          Varying Subjects:  History, My favorite, Science, etc.
9:30 - 9:45       Challenge A:  Student Presentations 
                          (Research:  Science Notebook findings OR Exposition and Composition:  Paper presented)

9:45 - 10:15       Challenge A: Exposition and Composition (IEW:  Fall)  (Literature:  Spring)

10:15 – 10:45  Review Grammar (CC Foundations) Debate: Geography 

10:45 – 11:10 Fine Art (Artistic Pursuits, K-3, Introduction to the Visual Arts)

11:10 – 11:15 Snack and Restroom break

11:15 – 11:30  Foundations: Devotional and Scripture Mastery  
                           Challenge A: Devotional and Scripture Mastery 
                           and Rhetoric It Couldn't Just Happen and 
                                               7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
                           These are separated to aid discussion for Challenge A.

11:30 – 12:00 New Grammar (CC Foundations)

12:00 – 12:20 Lunch and Light Clean up   (Q2 Tin Whistle and Q4 Orchestra*)

12:20– 12:55 Free Play 

1:00 – 2:00 Apologia Zoology (Fall: Swimming Creatures and Spring: Land Animals)

2:00– 2:15 Grammar: English, (Our Mother Tongue- Diagram Sentences)

2:15 - 3:15 Story of the World: Ancients (Projects and Discussions)

3:15 – 3:20 Clean up

*Challenge A student to teach Tin Whistle during lunch break during Q2.
Composers and music to be introduced and played during lunch break during Q4.  Background music.

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