Monday, November 21, 2011

NotGrass American History- Middle School 2011

Class schedule
August 15 22 29
September 12 19 26
October 3 17 24 31
November 7 14 28
December 5 12
January 9 23 30
February 6 13 27
March 5 12 19 26
April 16 23 30
May 7 14 21 28
June 4

That is 30 weeks with all national holidays off and time off for easter  thanksgiving and christmas 

Middle School History
Class supplies: Notebook: Paper, Tabs for Bible, Vocabulary, Maps, Notes
Colored pencils for map work
Drawing paper for cardstock to make a timeline
We will be doing a survey of Early American History using Notgrass’ America the Beautiful Part One.  There are 15 units in this curriculum covering American history from the first immigrants through the end of the Civil War.  We will be completing one unit every other week.  Students will read the following books at home during the course:
The Sign of the Beaver by Elizabeth George Speare (Units 4-5) 
Amos Fortune: Free Man by Elizabeth Yates (Units 6-7)
Brady by Jean Fritz (Units 9-10)
Bound for Oregon by Jean Van Leeuwen (Units 12-13)
Across Five Aprils by Irene Hunt (Units 14-15)
  We will also be doing some writing assignments, Geography (map work) and Bible assignments to create a notebook.  There is also a workbook Lesson Review for grades 7-8 $9.95 or Student Workbook $11.95 for grades 5-6 if you wish to purchase that and do it at home with your child.  
  1. Middle School History Schedule Semester One
    1. August 15, 22 Unit One – America before the Arrival of Europeans
      1. Week One
        1. Lesson One God’s Wonders
        2. Lesson Two Our American Story 
        3. Assignments 
          1. Bible Genesis 1 Make a list numbered 1-6 write beside each number what God made on that day.  Next to each item on your list, write one thing that people in American can enjoy that was made on that day of Creation.
          2. Bible Copy Acts 17:26 from your Bible.  Below the verse, make a chart showing the names of the members of your family, their birthdates, and all the places they have lived.
          3. Student Workbook Lesson 1 and 2
          4. Vocabulary- look up each of these words in a dictionary: descendant, immigrant, confederation, dense, cache.  Write each word in your notebook with its definition.
      1. August 29 Week Two 
        1. Lesson Three Daily Life: Natives of the Plateau and the Great Basin 
        2. Lesson Four Daily Life: Natives of the Southeast Woodlands
        3. Lesson Five Daily Life: Natives of the Northeast Woodlands 
        4. Assignments
          1. Bible Read Psalm 104:21-28 Write a prayer in your notebook thanking God for providing you with food
          2. Lessons 3 through 5 in your Workbook
          3. Vocabulary – define archaeologist, fertile, palisade, status, ritual.  Think about the lesson and see if you can define the words.  Next, check a dictionary to see if your definitions were correct.
          4. Begin a timeline in your notebook.  Start at 1000 with 90 years on each page.  Next to 1200, write: The Native American city of Cahokia, in what is now Illinois has an estimated population of 20,000.  Next write 1400.  Write Native American tribes migrate into what is now Georgia next to 1400.
          5. Study for Quiz
    1. Unit Two Spanish Explorers Come to America
      1. September 12 Week Three
        1. Lesson Six Two European Biographies
        2. Lesson Seven Our American Story: Native Americans Meet Spaniards
        3. Lesson Eight Daily Life: Natives of the Southwest
        4. Assignments
          1. Read Psalm 71:15-18 and Matthew 28:18-20 imagine you were telling the good news about Jesus to someone who had never heard about Him.  How would you explain it?  Write this in four to six sentences in your notebook.
          2. Continue adding to your timeline.  Write 1000 and write next to it, Viking explorers land on the North American Continent.
          3. Lessons 6-8 in your Workbook
          4. Vocabulary- Write a paragraph in your notebook using all of these words: merchant, navigator, monarch, Governor, colony.  Use a dictionary if you need help with definitions.
      2. September 19, 26 Week Four
        1. Lesson Nine An American Landmark: The Cliff Palace of Mesa Verde
        2. Lesson Ten An American Landmark: America’s Oldest European City
        3. Assignments
          1. Lessons 9-10 in your workbook
          2. Vocabulary – Write each sentence below, filling in each blank with one of these words: persecute, refuge, salvage, parish, destination.
            1. My friend moved to a different ____________, so he goes to a different church.
            2. During thunderstorms, our dogs find ______ under the front porch.
            3. When we left on our trip, we were excited that St. Augustine was our ________________.
            4. I want to stand firm if anyone tries to ________ me for what I believe.
            5. Dad sometimes goes to the junk yard to _______ anything useful he can find.
          3. Timeline add 1586 to your timeline, write Sir Francis Drake makes a map of St. Augustine before he and his crew burn the city.  Add 1190, write Ancient Puebloans build the cliff dwelling of Mesa Verde. 
          4. Study for Quiz
  2. WEEK FIVE Quiz Unit Two
    1. Unit Three
      1. October 3, 17 Week 5-
        1. Lesson eleven English Settlements in Virginia
        2. Twelve: Pocahontas
        3. Assignments
          1. Timeline add 2007 Queen Elizabeth II of England visits Jamestown to celebrate the 400th anniversary of settlement.  1614 write Pocahontas (Rebecca) marries John Rolfe.
          2. Lessons 11-12 in your workbook
          3. Bible: Copy 1 John 2:2 in your notebook.  Underneath, write a prayer for people who do not know God.
          4. Vocabulary Write each of the following words on a separate line: influential, hostage, christen, export, guardian.  Look each one up in the dictionary.  Next to each word, write what part (s) of speech it is.
    2. October 24, 31 Week 6
        1. Thirteen: God Created the Great Lakes
        2. Fourteen: Pilgrims Settle at Plymouth
        3. Fifteen: Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, Maryland, and Connecticut Colonies
        4. Assignments
          1. Read Genesis 1:20-22, Psalm104:16-17, Matthew 6:26.  Read Psalm 107.  Be ready to explain why William Bradford quoted this Psalm when he wrote the history of the Pilgrims.  Copy Galatians 5:13 in your notebook.  Write a paragraph about how people can use freedom in the wrong way or right way.
          2. Timeline 1608 Samuel de Champlain leads expedition into great lakes.  Add 1621 wrjte Squanto helps Pilgrims and Wampanoag make treaty.  1656 New Haven, Connecticut has the first public library owned by a city.
          3. Vocabulary Write your own definition for each of these words: alliance, bay, rapids, shallow, rugged,  Think about the Great Lakes lesson and write down the meanings for these words.  Check in the dictionary to see if you were correct.  Write a sentence in your notebook for each of the following words:  enterprise, pure, resources, province, mass.  
          4. Lessons 13-14, 15  in your Workbook
          5. Study for Quiz 
    1. Unit Four- Early Colonial Life in America –SIGN OF THE BEAVER STARTS
      1. November 7 Week 7 
        1. Lesson 16 Rhode Island and Carolina Colonies
        2. Seventeen: Dutch and Swedes in America
        3. Assignments: 
        4. Bible: Roger Williams named his settlement “Providence”  Look up the definition of providence if you don’t know it already.  Think of someone in the Bible that God helped in a difficult time.  Write this person’s name in your notebook and a paragraph description of how God cared for that person.
        5. READ CHAPTERS 1-5 in Sign of the Beaver
        6. Lesson 16-17 in your Workbook
        7. Timeline 1636 Roger Williams buys land from Narragansetts 1609 Henry Hudson explores New York Bay and Hudson River.
        8. Vocabulary: Financial, mutiny, legend, negotiate, modernize
        9. November 14  Week 8
        10. Eighteen William Penn
        11. Nineteen Printing Books in Colonial America
        12. Twenty Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket
        13. Assignments
        14. Bible Timothy 1:1-12 William Penn wrote about the Christian faith while he was in prison, think about how this compares to the Apostle Paul. 
        15. Timeline 1682 William Penn sails to Pennsylvania, 1640 The Bay Psalm Book is printed.  The first book printed in America. 1835 Methodists begin holding camp meetings on Martha’s Vineyard.
        16. Read chapters 6-13 in The Sign of the Beaver
        17. Lesson 18-20 in your Workbook
        18. Vocabulary Write a Paragraph using the following words:  Attraction, engineer, isolated, migrate, whaling,  Use the dictionary if you need help with definitions.
        19. Study for quiz 
        20. November 28 Week 9 Quiz Unit 4
    2. Unit Five – Colonial Life in America During the 1700s
      1. November 28 Week 9
        1. Lesson 21 Thirteen American Colonies
        2. Twenty-two Colonial Craftsmen and Merchants
        3. Twenty-three Trouble Between England and the Colonies
        4. Assignments
          1. Bible: Romans 6:1-14 Think about how the Great Awakening changed people’s view of sin and need for Jesus.    Look up these Bible verses and make a list in your notebook of the people and their occupations.  Matthew 4:18, Acts 9:43, Acts 18 1-3, Timothy 4:14
          2. Read Chapters 14-20 in Sign of the Beaver
          3. Lessons 21-23 in your Workbook
      2. December 5 Week 10
      3. Twenty-four Benjamin Franklin
      4. Twenty-five Colonial Williamsburg
      5. Assignments
      6. Bible: John 2:1-11
      7. Timeline 1753 Benjamin Franklin becomes postmaster general,. 1926 Work begins restoring Colonial Williamsburg
      8. Vocabulary Define peninsula, controversy, charter, philanthropist, petroleum
      9. Read 20-25 Sign of the Beaver
      10. Lessons 24-25 Workbook
      11. Study for Unit Five Quiz
  2. Week Eleven QUIZ UNIT FIVE QUIZ/QUESTIONS on Sign of the Beaver
    1. Unit Six – The American Revolution Amos Fortune
      1. January 9 Week 11 
        1. Lesson Twenty-six Lexington to Yorktown part 1
        2. Twenty-seven Lexington to Yorktown part 2
        3. Assignments
          1. Timeline 1775 Patrick Henry “Give me liberty or give me death!”  1777 Congress adopts Stars and Stripes Flag
          2. Read Africa 1725 and The Middle Passage in Amos Fortune
          3. Lessons 26-27 Workbook
      2. January 23 Week 12
        1. Twenty eight God Created Chesapeake Bay
        2. Twenty nine Historic Boston
        3. Thirty Early American Home Crafts
        4. Assignments
        5. Timeline 1829 Chesapeake and Delaware Canal opens, 1870 William Canby publishes story of Betsy Ross, 1634 Boston Common created, oldest city park.
        6. Lessons 28-30 Workbook
        7. Bible list modes of transportation in the following verses: Genesis 18:16, 46: 29, Exodus 4:20, Samuel 30:17, Esther 6:11.  , Copy the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:9-13 in your notebook.  
        8. Lessons 29-30 Workbook
        9. Read “Boston 1725-1740”, “Woburn 1740-1779:, “Journey to Keane” in Amos Fortune
        10. Study for Quiz Six
    1. Week Twelve Quiz Unit Six 
    2. Unit Seven A New Nation and a New Frontier
      1. January 30 Week 13
      2. Lesson Thirty-one A New Government for a New Nation
      3. Thirty-Two George Washington, Father of His Country
      4. Thirty-Three Historic Philadelphia
      5. Assignments
      6. Bible: What does Paul say about submitting to the government in Romans 13:1-7, Copy 1 Peter 4:10 into your notebook.  How did George Washington use his gifts to serve others and his country?
      7. Timeline: 1800 John Adams first President to live in the White House, 1674 George Washington’s father purchases future Mount Vernon, 1753 Liberty Bell hung at Philadelphia State House (now Independence Hall)
      8. Read “ The Arrival at Jaffrey”, “Hard Work Fills the Iron Kettle 1781-1789”, “Amos on the Mountain” in Amos Fortune.
      9. Workbook Lessons 31-33
      10. Vocabulary define concentration, architecture, abolitionist, peal, pacifist.  In your notebook
        1. February 6 Week 14
        2. Thirty-four God Created the Appalachian Mountains
        3. Thirty Five Trappers, Longhunters, and Pioneers
        4. Assignments
        5. Bible:  Read these verses about mountains, choose one to copy into your notebook.  Joshua 11:16, 1 Samuel 25.20, Psalm 95:4, Matthew 14:23, Mark 11:1
        6. Timeline 1928 Construction Begins Appalachian Trail, 1774 Timothy Demonbreun fur trader at French Salt Lick
        7. Vocabulary: define concentration, architecture, abolitionist, peal, pacifist, emigrate, militia, appendix, interpreter, treacherous.  Use three in a sentence.
        8. Read “Auctioned for Freedom”. “Evergreen Year” in Amos Fortune
  1. Take Home Quiz Unit 7 and answer the questions on Amos Fortune in the handout.
    1. Middle School American History Semester Two
    2. Unit Eight Americans Explore West of the Mississippi River
        1. February 13 Week 15
        2. Lesson Thirty-Six God's Wonders and Our American Story
        3. Lesson Thirty-Seven God's Wonders and Our American Story Continued
        4. Assignments
        5. Bible: Read Numbers 13:1–14:9 about an exploring trip taken by a group of Israelites.
        6. Vocabulary: define spokesman, astronomy, botany, tourniquet, invaluable. Write each word with its definition in your notebook.
        7. Literature: Read “Letter to Thomas Jefferson Smith”in We the People, pages 35-36, and “Journals of Lewis and Clark” in We the People, pages 37-38.
        8. Lessons 35 & 36 in your notebook
          Feb 20- No class- Holiday
        9. February 27, Week 16
        10. Lesson Thirty-Eight Daily Life” Natives of the Great Plains
        11. Lesson Thirty-Nine An American Landmark
        12. Lesson Forty An American Biography
        13. Assignments
        14. Bible: Jesus talked about a gate (or door) as an image of Himself. Copy John 10:9 in your notebook. Read Proverbs 1:7, 2:6, 8:10–11, and 20:15
          Vocabulary: oral, tense, yield, plaza encounter, expansion, administered, transfer, primitive, illusion.
        15. Literature: Read “Myths and Legends of the Sious” in We the People, pages 39-40
        16. Lessons 38-40 in your notebook

            1. M 3/5  Lesson 41, 42

            1. M 3/12  Lesson 43

          M 3/19  Spring Break

          M 3/26  Lesson 44, 45, Quiz Unit 9

          M 4/2  Lesson 46, 47, 48

          M 4/9  Lesson 49, 50, Quiz Unit 10

          M 4/16  Lesson 51, 52, 53

          M 4/23  Lesson 54, 55, Quiz Unit 11

          M 4/30  Lesson 56, 57, 58

          M 5/7  Lesson 59, 60, Quiz Unit 12

          M 5/14  Lesson 61, 62, 63

          M 5/21 Lesson 64, 65, Quiz Unit 13

          M 5/28 Lesson 66, 67, 68

          M 6/4  Lesson 69, 70, Quiz Unit 14

          Summer Starts:  Focus- Read Historical Fiction, America

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