Thursday, November 17, 2011

Classical Education Co-Op 2011-12

Classical Education 2011-12 — Co–Op

We are utilizing the following curriculum:
Foundations — Classical Conversations, Cycle 3, 2011-12

(CC Curriculum & Co-Op teaching.  Tuition = helping hands.)

The new Classical Education Co-Op in South Florida has been created!  We are excited to get this group organized in a fun, friendly and free format.  This is our own group, not officially part of the Classical Conversations Community, which requires membership fees and tuition.  As homeschoolers, we know that this format works well for many subjects.  It even works with CC!  We hope that as we all work together this year, we will recognize all of the hours put in by each of us to make our group really valuable.  We are donating our time and talents for the benefit of each other, and especially our children.

We are using a homeschool approach, where families take turns teaching each other.  We meet in our home with two to three other families, and meet together as a larger group once a quarter, once a semester for Parent's night, and for occasional field trips.

As this is a Nondenominational Christian Co-op, individual views in faith sometimes arise.  It is our desire to have an atmosphere where all are welcome, and invited to live their faith.  We study math, history, latin, grammar, science, and timeline information.  We have science experiments and art/music projects.  We give oral reports.  We also work on memorizing scriptures from the Bible.  (** See below.)

It is my goal that we will all love coming to class, enjoy learning, and look forward to companionship with friends and fellow homeschooling families.  The Lord has guided us in so many ways, and I know He is pleased when we come together through our academic pursuits.

May this school year will be the best one yet!


CLASSICAL CONVERSATIONS, Cycle 3(Foundations Program)

 Timeline* & Presidents*
 Veritas Press Cards for 160 Major events & people of World History (Creation through Modern America)
All US Presidents
 History Facts*
America: Columbus to Current Events
US Maps — 1st 12 weeks: 50 States & Capitals;  2nd 12 weeks: US Mtns, Trails, Bays, Rivers, Lakes, Canals, Native Americans, Deserts, Prominent Features
 Science Facts*
Anatomy (12 weeks), Chemistry (6 weeks), Origins (6 weeks)
Skip Counting, Multiplication Tables, Geometric Formulas, Alegebraic Laws, Conversations
Eng. Grammar*
Participles, Irregular Verb Tenses, and Clauses
Translate John Chapter 1
John 1:1-7
Science (experiments & projects)
Build a body (My Body Book), Lyrical Life Science Vol. 3, Probability and Data Labs
Fine Arts
American Masters (Gma Moses, Rockwell, O’Keefe, Wyeth, Lichenstein, Davis — using Discovering Great Artists); Drawing, Composers; and Basic Music Theory/Tin Whistle (each is 6 weeks long)
Composers: Tchaikovsky's Symphony No. 6, 4th movement
Debussy's La Mer, Stravinsky's Rite of Spring, Review Tchaikovsky and; Debussy, Review Stravinsky and; Modern
Each week practice oral presentation skills by presenting on a topic.
**Optional Memory Master track, where a student strives to memorize all information.

Class Day Schedule

8:50 Arrive

9:00 – 9:20 Morning Devotional

9:20 – 10:00 Student Presentations

10:00 – 10:30 Fine Art

10:30 – 10:55 Grammar Review

10:55 – 11:00 Snack and Restroom break

11:00 – 11:30 Science

11:30 – 12:00 New Grammar

12:00 – 12:20 Lunch and Light Clean up

12:20– 12:55 Free Play

1:00 – 2:30 Enrichment Class:  Human Anatomy

2:30 – 3:00 Enrichment Class:  Literature

3:00 – 3:05 Clean up

The Student Presentations, Grammar Review and New Grammar will be led by the homeowner, as well as the flow through the Class Day Schedule.  They will announce what is next to the group.

Program Tuition and Fees

Art and Science and Misc. Supply Fee:  $50 per student  (Non-refundable)
No other fees.  (We are doing this program Co-op Style).

FYI:  The regular CC program charges a fee per year per student, as well as a Registration fee and a Yearly Facility Fee.

Morning Devotional

We will start every class day by honoring the Lord through prayer and Scripture memory.  We will also cover important announcements.
• Welcome by Home owner.
• Announcements by Director.
• Family Led:
• Prayer
• Scripture Mastery  (John 1) and Qtr. focus
• Scripture Devotional
(Stand a Little Taller, or similar daily thought book)
• Pledge to the American Flag
• Dismiss to Class by Director.

We will rotate the assignment of Prayer, Scripture Mastery, Devotional and Pledge to a different family each week.  The parent will decide which family member leads each task.

**Scripture Mastery:  These can be downloaded as mp3 files at  — Download— Study material — New Testament or Old Testament.

All Year:  John 1
Qtr 1:  Matthew 16:15-19   He saith unto them, But whom say  ye that I am?
Qtr 2:  John 17:3           And this is life eternal
Qtr 3:  Romans 1:16   For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ
Qtr 4:  Isaiah 29:13-14           Wherefore the Lord said,

For the Qtr Scripture Mastery scriptures, the goal is to become familiar with them.  One family member will read the scripture aloud, and then invite everyone to read it with them.  By repeating it every week during the quarter, recognition will be achieved.  Our main goal is to memorize John 1.  Depending on your family, you can decide if memorization is required for Quarter scriptures.  We are learning the King James Version of the Bible in class. You are welcome to memorize another version if you like at home.

Student Presentations

Every other week, each student will have the opportunity to develop the important skills of speaking and listening by giving a 2–3 minute presentation during class time.  The younger students can use this as show-and-tell time and may even need their mother's assistance in a question/answer format.  Eventually, every child will be eager to speak so teachers will begin working with them to improve their presentation skills including eye contact, posture, pace, and volume.

The teachers have a rotating list of suggested topics for the older students to help them narrow their focus for each of the six weeks in every quarter.  Another idea is to use this time to present  papers the students have written for Essentials for other homeschooling classes.

•  Week 1:  My favorite...
•  Week 2:  History (biography, event in time) or Geography
•  Week 3:  Art or music (biography, instrument, style, epoch)
•  Week 4:  Science or Collections
•  Week 5:  Book Report or Poetry Selection
•  Week 6:  Impromptu topics (three given by the tutor six minutes before the student is to speak; students choose one)

Semester End Family Night
Friday, Nov. 18, 2011, 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Location:  TBD

•  Prepare a memorized oral report on Thanksgiving that is 3 to 5 minutes.  Come dressed as the person you are talking about, or have something fun to share.  Start thinking now on what you'd like to share.
•  Artwork & Human Anatomy Poster will be displayed
•  Any artwork you have done at home on the same subjects covered in class may be displayed.
•  Tin Whistle Song
•  Appetizers and Desserts
•  Great photo opportunity, and a night for Dad's and grandparents to see what's going on.

Year End Family Night
Friday, Apr 20, 2012, 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Location:  TBD

•  Prepare a memorized oral report on American History that is 3 to 5 minutes.  Come dressed as the person you are talking about, or have something fun to share.  Start thinking now on what you'd like to share.
•  Artwork will be displayed
•  Any artwork you have done at home on the same subjects covered in class may be displayed.
•  Orchestra Song
•  If you play an instrument, we'd love to hear it.  Piano, flute, guitar... pick your favorite song to share with us.
•  Great photo opportunity, and a night for Dad's and grandparents to see what's going on.

Field Trips

It would be nice to go on two field trips as a group during the year.  Possibly during the week that we have a break, or over the Christmas holiday.  Some ideas are attending a Symphony, or art museum that have to do with topics we are covering in class.

Optional Afternoon Enrichment Activities

SCIENCE 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.

•  Young Explorer Series:  Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology  (one book per family)
•  Anatomy Notebooking Journal  (or Junior for young grades).  Each child needs a notebook, or parents provide copies.
•  Lab Kit- $79  (including shipping).  Shared comes to:  $16 each
(payable on 1st day of class to Candi).  Includes all materials necessary for experiments.  (Non-refundable.) 
Teacher will supply other items needed for science experiment.
•  No additional supply/copy fee

Please have material read or at least looked at before attending class, so that discussion and experiments make more sense.

LITERATURE 2:30 to 3:00 p.m.

Additional supply/copy fees may apply.  To be determined.

 Semester 1: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain
Study Guide, by Alisa Thomas, Progeny Press
Recommended Grades 6–8

Semester 2: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, by C.S. Lewis
Study Guide, by Andrew Clausen, Progeny Press
Recommended Grades 4–7

Faith Statement

“We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.” (Eleventh Article of Faith.)

This group is comprised of Christians.  People who love the Savior Jesus Christ, and want to raise their children in an environment where their testimony of Him can grow as they learn and study the world around them.   As our family belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints, we have a desire to follow the Classical Conversations curriculum while maintaining our religious identity.  Our Classical Education Co-Op group includes members other denominations as well.  

With the spirit of love and charity, this group can be a great source of community and friendship.  We can teach our children in an environment that seeks for “anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy” (Thirteenth Article of Faith).

It is our desire to have an excellent Classical Education, focusing on the 4 R's... Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Righteousness!  We invite any and all to participate with us!

— Candi

Essentials of our Faith —FYI
See Link: From the Classical Conversations Website, Faith Statement

The Articles of Faith —FYI
See Link:  From The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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