Wednesday, January 13, 2016

4-H Boca Buddies Science Olympiad 2016

Boca Buddies now has a new website:  Visit

Elementary Science Olympiad at FAU. Grades 3-5.  

This was SO AWESOME last year.  I SO, SO, SO want to do this again.

24 schools signed up last year.  It was amazing! These were our results from last year...

Fossils                  1st Place      Cole & Mary
Straw Egg Drop   6th Place     Angelic & Sarah
Crime Busters     8th Place      Mary & Paula
Water Rockets   10th Place      Liam, Jessica & Sebastian
Cool It                13th Place     Lily & Grace

I combined all of our scores, and divided it by number of participants and came up with a total score.
Overall, we ranked about 14th place out of 24 Teams.  They did not give me this number.  I calculated it myself, so if there was a tie somewhere in there, it may be a little different.  This is our "UNOFFICIAL" ranking.  :)

2016 Season:  Saturday, April 16, 2016
FAU Science Buildings and Lawn
8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Most kids participate in 2 to 3 events during the day.  Events end around 3:00 p.m., and judging takes place around 5:00 p.m. after all of the scores have been calculated.  A parent needs to be present when their child is on campus at all times.  You do not need to stay for the whole day, but are encouraged to do so.  We will have a classroom inside FAU as a home base, as well as camp chairs and blankets outside.  Families and siblings are invited to come and have fun on the lawn!  Bring drinks, snacks, chairs, shade, frisbees, and balls.  It's a blast!

For our team:  I would like to have this be a 95% work at home event.  You would coordinate the events you would like to do with me, choose your team mate, meet together once or twice a week with your team mate, and prepare yourself for your events.  It is possible to use some of our time at Friday Co-Op during lunch, or from 1:30 to 2:00 p.m. to practice on events under parent supervision. You can choose the same team mate for each event, or pick different team mates.  It's up to you!  Our total number of team members can not be more than 12.  It would be nice to have 2 more kids as back up just in case.  Last year we had a few who couldn't make it due to Sports Championships and illness.

Link to read more about it:

I've already registered!  We're doing this!  Spread the word... I need 12 super motivated kids and moms!

$20 per kid to pay the entree fee.  
12 kids in 13 events.  1 event has 3 kids, all the rest have 1-2 kids.
$10 4-H Registration 
$1   4-H Parent Registration
$10 T-shirt  (optional)
$10 Parent T-shirt (optional)
     Total = $40 per kid  + $11 for parent

Registration for 4-H:
     Register on  MUST BE DONE BY MARCH 10th. (At least 30 days before event.)
     Please be sure to list Palm Beach County at all times, even if you live in Broward.
     Club Name:  Boca Buddies
     $10 for children
     $1 for adults
     You need to create a family profile, then add yourself, then add child.  This takes about an hour.
     Registration needs to be for one adult in the family, and for the child participating in the event.
     List projects as Science.
     Payment to Candi.  Please mark your payment with a note or an envelope with name on it.

This was our first year in the photos below, so we didn't know quite what to expect.  It was so cool to see everyone walking around in their Team T-shirts.  Mom's and Dad's had them on, and so did all of the kids.  It was really exciting. 

Team Members for 2016:
Place Guaranteed if you are registered and paid for 4-H and Olympiad.

     Name/ Grade                 4-H Member        Olympiad Fee     Youth T-shirt       Parent T-shirt
                                                   $10 / $1                    $20                             $10                      $10
1.  Cole, Grade 4                    Yes, Paid                    Paid                           Paid                     Paid
2.  Sebastian, Grade 3          Yes, Paid                                                       Paid                     Paid
3.  Enzo, Grade 4                   Yes, Paid                   Paid                            Paid                     Paid
4.  Mary, Grade 5
5.  Liam, Grade 3 
6.  Zackary, Grade

Preferred if you choose a mixture of Build/Knowledge events, not all of one kind.  You are free to study all of them on your own. 
I place a #1 next to the name if it is their most preferred event.
I place a ? next to the name if I am suggesting a place for them.  Confirmation needed.

It takes quite a bit of shuffling to get everyone into an event their excited about.   When the list is complete, then you'll know you're set for the event.  Right now, we're just trying people out in events.
By the way, Cole was placed in the Fossils event last year because no one else wanted to do it.  That happens to be the one he won first place on, and is NOW his favorite subject.  That was not the case when we started.  :)  Mary jumped in a week before the event to be his partner, because he had none.  Amazing how it all worked out in the end!

Events:                                      Type:                         Team Member:          Team Member:        Backup:
1.  A is for Anatomy                Knowledge
2.  Bridge Building                 On site build
3.  Egg Drop                             Pre-Build                        Enzo #1                        Cole 
4.  Energy Lab                         Pre-Build                                                                                                   Enzo
5.  Food Science                      Knowledge
6.  Mystery Packaging           On site build                                                                                               Enzo
7.  Mystery Powders               Knowledge/Lab             Mary ?
8.  Picture This Weather (3) Knowledge                      Cole ?           Enzo ?   and Sebastian ?
9.  Rock Hound                       Knowledge                      Cole #1                        Enzo ?  Mary ?
10.  Solid, Liquid or Gas        Knowledge
11.  Starry, Starry Night         Knowledge
12.  Water Rockets                  Pre-Build                        Enzo #1                        Cole
13.  Who ... Be a Biologist     Knowledge

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