Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Friday Co-Op Semester 2, January 2015

Semester 2:
(Revised Schedule)
Jan. 9, 16, 23, 30
Feb. 6, 13, 20, 27
Mar. 13, 27
Apr. 10, 17

Mar 6 (FAU Spring Break) 
Mar 20 (Palm Beach County Spring Break)
Apr 3 (Easter)


9 a.m. to 2 p.m. If you are participating in all 3 classes.  Bring a lunch.

Classical Education:  Please arrive at 9 a.m. to help set up!  All hands needed.  
We will be introducing Week 13.  We also have 2 possibly 3 new families joining us!  Please lend a hand to help show them the ropes!  We are spending the majority of our time this semester on Weeks 13-24.  5 minute review each week on Weeks 1-12 to accommodate the new families.  

Mini Toasters:  I'd love to have 3-4 speakers.  Any takers?  2-3 minutes on a topic of your choice.  All about me, My family, History/ Biography,  Book report, you name it.  :)  Goal is to speak at least every other week.

Science Olympiad:  Starting in Full Swing on Friday!  We're all registered for the Competition on May 2, 2015 at FAU in Boca Raton.  Our Team is called Boca Buddies (After our HOPE Homeschoolers 4H Club… seemed easy to remember.)  We still need a few more members to make our team of 12.  Focus group:  Grades 3-5.  Will accept Grades K-2 if we can't get enough older kids.  $20 to compete.  $12 for supplies.  Need to be a member of HOPE, and pay $10 Friday Co-Op Yearly Fee (1/2 price for starting in Semester 2).  We have room for about 4 more kids.  We can have a smaller club… just more fun with a full 12!

For New Elementary Families:
Required:  HOPE Membership ($25)
Required:  Friday Co-Op Fee ($10/ year / family if starting in Semester 2)

Classical Education:  K-6 grade.
Classical Conversations iphone / ipad AP preferred method of teaching materials.  Cycle 3.  (About $15)
Purchase Timeline song from Classical Conversations Bookstore. (About $10)
Supply Fee ($12- $1 per class per kid)
They have a ton of helps to teach at home at classicalconversations.com.  I own a ton of them.  Audio CD's, Flash cards, handwriting helps, you name it.  You can make this as big as you want it to be.)

Mini Toasters:  K-5/6 grade.
No materials fee.

Science Olympiad:  K-5 grade.  
$20 Competition Entrance Fee (if you aren't competing, you don't need to pay.)
$12 Supply Fee ($1 per week)
Willing to Teach and help out.

Middle School/ High School:

Shakespeare:  Starting at 10 a.m.   Yes, there is class this week.  Next week, Jan. 16, No class due to the Biology Lab.  

Public Speaking Toastmasters Gavel Club:  

Starting this Friday, January 9th, at the Community Center, from 11:30 am to 1pm.

Additional Details and Updates:
•  Cost of Club Registration, Manuals, Room rental, and End-of-Semester Pizza Party: $30/student
   Cash preferred, or you can make a Check out to Candi or Eugene Lehenbauer.
•  HOPE Membership is not required for this club.
•  Friday Co-Op Fee is not required for this club.
•  We have a new teacher joining us along with Mr. Lehenbauer.  Mr. Davis is a homeschool Dad, who held his own Speaking Club a few years ago.  He will be there with his two daughters, and a few friends to add to our club.  It will be a great opportunity to learn from these two veteran Toastmasters.  •  Class will be held on all the dates listed above, for 12 classes.  If you are unable to attend, due to a Biology lab, or another important reason ;), you'll just miss that day.  Please sign up to do your speeches on days that you can attend. 
*  Work on developing your Leadership and Public Speaking Skills, while working to earn credit toward a Toastmasters International award.  (All certifications earned can be transferred to a Toastmasters Group when 18yrs. old.)

Come join the Gavel Club!

1 comment:

  1. Candi...
    Could you tell me more about your experience with CC at home? I am also interested in hearing more about your co-op. I am visualizing creating an LDS version of CC of sorts. Can you offer any advice or suggestions on where to start?
