Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Friday Co-Op 2014-15


This is still a work in progress....

Excited to announce that we will be located at the Community Center this year!
Our room is located right next to a playground for our Pre-school aged siblings.  Hoping to take turns watching little ones if it gets distracting.  The room is also big enough that if a mom wanted to do "5 in a row" curriculum, or a little craft, it would be easy to have them there with us over to the side.

12 weeks before Thanksgiving, starting the first week of September.
12 weeks after the first week in January, with a break half way through for a week.

HOPE Homeschoolers
We hope everyone will join HOPE Homeschoolers.  It provides so much more than I can provide on my own for this Friday Co-Op.  Who we are.. How and Why to Join.
Community, Directory, Email, Online Meetings, Mom’s Night Out, Field trips, Co-Ops, Clubs,
Promotion/Graduation Night, Used Book Sale.

Classical Education Cycle 3
Classical Education Co-Op using the Classical Conversations Foundations Curriculum

15 min. Announcements
30 min. New Grammar Introduced
30 min. Grammar Review Games
30 min. Art/Sign Language

*Need to purchase curriculum.  See below.
This is a free Co-Op which means you help instead of pay.

Middle / High School
No Fear Shakespeare group being started for Grades 6+ that would meet at the same time as the CC Foundations group.  More info to come later.  A Biology lab review is later in the afternoon.

Toastmasters International
Public Speaking Youth Leadership Program  (Middle/High School)
11:30 a.m. Fridays
We will be hosted by the local chapter of Toastmasters International, which means that this program will be FREE!  It is a community outreach opportunity to them.  My husband will also be working closely with us as a fellow Toastmaster for the last 3 years.

The program works best with about 15-20 participants.

Semester 2:   Gavel Club which is a free version of a real Toastmaster group.  This means that there will be leadership opportunities for the kids.  Thinking of having elections for Semester 1, and Semester 2 to give more the opportunity to try new roles.

Mini Toasters Public Speaking for K–5/6
If we have a large turn out of K-5, I will break them apart and do a separate Oral Report time for them. I have a rubric that I have been using for a few years that is fun and easy to do.

Elementary Science Olympiad
Fun Science Experiments.  Competition at the end of the school year with other schools.

Mom's Support Group
Kids Socialization
One of the best reasons to have a Co-Op is so that you don't feel so lost.  Bounce ideas and ask questions of other homeschool moms.  Pack a lunch, or go grab some local fast food (Wendy's is close by.)  Definitely Stay!  This time is vital for you to feel like you are part of the group.

Looking forward to a new and exciting year this fall!  New families, and new opportunities to learn and to grow!

Ms. Candi

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