Friday, January 11, 2013

Semester 2: Cycle 1 Co–Op Weekly Assignments

Semester 2:  Spring Semester

Foundations:  12 weeks

Challenge A:  15 weeks  
We're reading during the breaks to make up the weeks this Semester, so class ends the same date.

CC Foundations:  9 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  Cycle 1
Lunch Discussion:  12:00 p.m. – 12:15 p.m.  Rhetoric
Enrichment Activities:  1 – 3:00 p.m.  Exposition, Grammar and SOTW

Curriculum Used:

Classical Conversations:  Foundations, Cycle 1
SOTW:    Story of the World, by Susan Wise Bauer, Focus on Ancients (Vol. 1), all 4 volumes used.
Oral Reports:  Prepare a 2-3 minute report.
Literature Books:  Amos Fortune, The Bronze Bow, Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, The Door in the Wall,
    The Magician's Nephew, Number the Stars, The Secret Garden
Writing Papers on Literature:  To help teach this, we are referencing IEW's "Teaching the Classics
    DVD and Workbook" and "Reading Roadmaps" by Adam and Missy Andrews, as well as "Words
    Aptly Spoken- Children's Literature" by Classical Conversations.
It Couldn't Just Happen, by Lawrence Richards
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens and Workbook, by Sean Covey

Story of the World Chapters and CC Weeks- Cycle 1
Click on image below to enlarge and print.

Quarter 3:

Jan: 10, 16 (Wednesday Class), 24, 31
Feb: 7, (CHAA Saints Track Meet)  No class today.
Feb. 14, 21

Feb. 14 Valentine's Party also.  Bring valentines, and a treat to share.
Feb 21  Quarter End Get Together.  Curriculum review games. Scripture Mastery pass–off.
Break:  Feb. 28 (Possible Field trip)

Week 13:  Jan. 10, 2013

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:    About my Christmas Vacation.

Scripture:          Exodus Ch. 20:  3–17         Ten Commandments
                         Qtr 3:  Luke 24:36–39        Jesus himself stood in the midst of them   Memorize

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "Amos Fortune, Freeman" read for discussion.  No writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", no assignments this week.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", no assignments this week.

Week 14:  Jan. 16  (Wednesday Class this week) 11:45 - 3:00 pm
Arrive at 11:00 to help set-up and have lunch together if wanted.  Shortened class schedule today.

This Week's Schedule:
11:45 – 12:00    Rhetoric Discussion
12:00 – 1:00      CC- Week 14 New Grammar 30 min., and 30 min. CC Science Experiments.  No Art today.
1:00 – 1:55        Exposition and Grammar
1:55 – 2:00        Snack Break
2:00 – 3:00        SOTW:  Mummify a Chicken today!  Dress like an Egyptian for fun.

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:    No Oral Reports this week due to shorter class time.

                         Qtr 3:  Luke 24:36–39        Jesus himself stood in the midst of them   Memorize

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "Amos Fortune, Freeman" writing due this week.
                          1-3 paragraph paper focusing on Exposition, Climax and Conclusion.
                          Sentence openers #3 and #6.  Dress-ups:  sv, ly, adj, w/w.  Alliteration OR Simile.
                          Challenge Students:  3 paragraphs, and at least one paragraph using all 6 sentence
                          starters.  Other paragraphs need Sentence Openers listed.  Use Dress–ups and
                          Decorations as listed.
                         Grammar:  Punctuation Rules 1 and 17 memorized.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", discuss book overall.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", assignments start again next week.

Week 15:  Jan. 24
Bring a White T-shirt for Art today to Tie-Dye.

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:     History (biography, event in time) or Geography

Scripture:          Exodus Ch. 20:  3–17         Ten Commandments
                         Qtr 3:  Luke 24:36–39        Jesus himself stood in the midst of them   Memorize

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "The Bronze Bow" read for discussion.  No writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen", Have Ch. 11 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Habit 4.  Challenge Only.

Week 16:  Jan. 31

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:     Art or music (biography, instrument, style, epoch)

Scripture:          Exodus Ch. 20:  3–17         Ten Commandments
                         Qtr 3:  Luke 24:36–39        Jesus himself stood in the midst of them   Memorize

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "The Bronze Bow" writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen",  Have Ch. 12 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens",  Wk Bk. Habit 4.  Challenge Only.

Week 17:  Feb. 7

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:     Science or Collections

Scripture:          Exodus Ch. 20:  3–17         Ten Commandments
                         Qtr 3:  Luke 24:36–39        Jesus himself stood in the midst of them  Memorize

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch" read for discussion.  No writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen",  Have Ch. 13 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Habit 5.  Challenge Only.

Week 18:  Feb. 14
Valentine's Party during lunch.  Bring valentines, and a treat to share.

Quarter End Get Together.  Curriculum review games. Scripture Mastery pass–off.

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:     Book Report or Poetry Selection

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch" writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen",  Have Ch. 14 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Wk Bk. Habit 5.  Challenge Only.

Week 18:  Feb 21 CHAA Track & Field Meet 2013
We get two weeks break before Q4.

10 a.m. – 1 p.m.  Registration 9:15 a.m.
Tradewinds Park, Shelter F.  (Sample Rd. west of turnpike)
Open to all homeschool students ages 5-18.
$5 donation per athlete.  (fruits, juice, cake, medals and certificate... all included; snow cones, popcorn, cotton candy- 50 cents).

Feb 28, 2013:  Possible Fieldtrip

Exposition:        Have "The Door in the Wall" read on your own.  No discussion or writing due.


Quarter 4:

Mar: 7, 14, 21, 28
Apr: 4, 11, 18  (one week will be a field trip)

Apr 18 Quarter End Get Together.  Curriculum review games.  Break one week after.
Year End Parent Night.   (Apr 19 or 20)

Week 19:  Mar. 7, 2013

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:    My favorite...

Scripture:          Exodus Ch. 20:  3–17         Ten Commandments

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "The Magician's Nephew" read for discussion.  No writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen",  Have Ch. 15 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Habit 6.  Challenge Only.

Week 20:  Mar. 14

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:    History (biography, event in time) or Geography

Scripture:          Exodus Ch. 20:  3–17         Ten Commandments

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "The Magician's Nephew" writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen",  Have Ch. 16 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Wk Bk. Habit 6.  Challenge Only.

Week 21:  Mar. 21

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:     Art or music (biography, instrument, style, epoch)

Scripture:          Exodus Ch. 20:  3–17         Ten Commandments

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "Number the Stars" read for discussion.  No writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen",  Have Ch. 17 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read Habit 7.  Challenge Only.

Week 22:  Mar. 28

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:     Science or Collections

Scripture:          Exodus Ch. 20:  3–17         Ten Commandments

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "Number the Stars" writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen",  Have Ch. 18 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Wk Bk. Habit 7.  Challenge Only.

No Class Apr 4- Reading Time.
The Secret Garden is a little longer book.  Extra week to read.  :)

Week 23:  Apr 11

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:     Book Report or Poetry Selection

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "The Secret Garden" read for discussion.  No writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen",  Have Ch. 19 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Read "Keep Hope Alive".  Challenge Only.

Week 24:  Apr 18

Quarter End Get Together.  Curriculum review games.  Scripture Mastery Pass–Off.

CC Memory:     New Information will be presented today.

Oral Reports:     Practice for Parent's Night or Impromptu

SOTW:             See images below.

Exposition:        Have "The Secret Garden" writing due this week.

Rhetoric:          "It Couldn't Just Happen",  Have Ch. 20 read for lunch discussion.  Everyone.
                        "Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens", Wk Bk. "Keep Hope Alive".  Challenge Only.

Friday, April 19, 2013
Parent's Night:  7:00 p.m. Tonight!

Boca Raton Community Center
Prepare your best Oral Report of the Semester- 3-5 minutes.  Include visual aides- or dress up like your report.

*Your parents, grand parents, anyone you want for an audience.
* Dessert or Appetizer

End of Spring Semester 

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