Tuesday, January 29, 2013

CC Challenge A Literature

We are doing our own Classical Conversations Challenge A at home.  
We are not part of an official group.

In our tiny group, we are combining all age groups.  (K-7)  Younger kids write one paragraph including two sentences from each paragraph that the older kids would be writing, as well as a Topic sentence, and a conclusion sentence.

2 Regular Papers covering Exposition, Climax and Conclusion
2 Critiques / Reviews
2 Persuasive Essays


Amos Fortune

We used the checklist from "All Things Fun and Fanciful" Busy Beavers.
Older kids wrote 3 paragraphs on the Exposition, Climax and Conclusion.
We introduced the Story Chart from IEW's Teaching Classics seminar.

Encouraged to make a Key Word Outline at home.
Write a paper from the outline.


Story Chart for the Bronze Bow

We used the checklist from "Bible Lessons" from IEW, Lesson 7, pg. 31 to write our paper.
3 paragraph paper.
1.  Exposition   2.  Climax   3.  Conclusion
Be sure to include the Theme in the paper.
We spoke about the Conflict and the Theme during our class time.

Encouraged to make a Key Word Outline at home.
Write a paper from the outline.


Carry On, Mr. Bowditch
Rough Draft Due:  2/14/13
Since this is our first Critique, do as much as you can.  Type it.  Mark it up.  Get feedback on how to finish it.
Final Draft Due:  3/7/13 - First day of Q4 along with other reading.

We used the checklist from "Bible Lessons" from IEW, Lesson 29, pg. 123 to write our paper.
Pg. 118 is very helpful also.  Just gives suggested words to describe the paper.
Focus:  Critique
Do not use the word "I" when writing this paper.

Older group:  
Paragraph I:  Introduction:  (author's name, etc.)
Paragraph II: Character and Setting
Paragraph III:  Problem/ Conflict
Paragraph IV:  Climax/ Resolution
Paragraph V:  Conclusion:  (liked, disliked, value and why) 
Be sure that your last sentence in paragraph V reflects the topic sentence in paragraph I.
Use all 6 sentence openers in each paragraph.   
Dressups: Minimum Rule:  One each per paragraph   
(ly, w/w, sv, QA, www)    
Decorations:  3sss, alliteration or simile
Triples:  See below.  Try in one paragraph.                                              

Younger group:
Paragraph I:  Introduction:  (author's name, etc.)
In your paper, just list: Paragraph II, III and IV- but do not write them.  (Pretend they're there.)
Paragraph V:  Conclusion:  (liked, disliked, value & why)
Can use fewer Sentence Openers, 1-4.
Dressups: Minimum Rule:  One each per paragraph   
(ly, w/w, sv, QA, www)     
Decorations:  alliteration or simile per paragraph                                                                                       
Triples not needed.
Be sure that your last sentence in paragraph V reflects the topic sentence in paragraph I.

Older and Younger group:
We made a Key Word Outline for paragraph V on the white board up above on the left side.
Can write one or two sentences for likes, dislikes and value... with a topic sentence and a conclusion.

In Checklist:
Triples are NEW to us.
Download the FREE AP for IEW called IEW Writing Tools.
Triple Extensions are covered there very well with examples.



  1. I'm curious how you are able to do Challenge A without being an official group. You can't buy the guide unless you're in an official CC community is my understanding. I'm not LDS but I've considered starting a co op using CC materials but without the tuition which in my opinion makes it unrealistic to participate for many families.

  2. After trying this for a year, I was frustrated with trying to recreate it. Yes, you do not have access to the teacher manuals. For the year that I did it, I would google search the book and find online discussions about it. Really not a great use of my time. I discovered the www.centerforlit.com website. (Online Academy) They have Jr. High classes online and they follow the socratic method of teaching. Their online discussions blew mine right out of the water. So as far as doing a Co-Op on your own with CC materials... Foundations works well. Challenge A not so much. Just follow what style of books they use, and get your own curriculum somewhere else.
