Friday, September 7, 2012

English Grammar and IEW Helpful Printouts

English Grammar & IEW

Helpful Add-ons to print out.

These two 8 1/2 x 11 pages I made are to help memorizing sentence structures.
It can go along with CC Essentials, as well as IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing).

Click to enlarge:  IEW Sample Paper.  (8 1/2 x 11) 

IEW Sample Paper:
1.  Dress-ups are listed on the right.
2.  Sentence Starters are listed on the left.
3.  Each paragraph: Topic Sentence and Clincher reflection words highlighted.
4.  Not shown:  Introduce Subject (1st line of paper) and Final Clincher (last line of paper) reflection words in Bold.
5.  Nice to have:  Highlight your Final Clincher and Title reflection words.  Not shown above.

I still haven't figured out how they did this on the computer with the dress-ups and starters in the margins.  We just underline and highlight on the computer, and then add the notes in the margins by hand.

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