Thursday, March 1, 2012

Classical Education Co-Op 2012-13 Welcome

We are utilizing the following curriculum:
Foundations — Classical Conversations, Cycle 1, 2012-13

(CC Curriculum and Co-Op teaching.  Tuition = helping hands.)
Cycle 1  (Ancients)

The Classical Education Co-Op in South Florida has been created last year, and we're ready for our second year!  We are excited to get this group organized in a fun, friendly and free format.  This is our own group, not officially part of the Classical Conversations Community, which requires membership fees and tuition.  As homeschoolers, we know that this format works well for many subjects.  It even works with CC!  We hope that as we all work together this year, we will recognize all of the hours put in by each of us to make our group really valuable.  We are donating our time and talents for the benefit of each other, and especially our children.

We are using a homeschool approach, where families take turns teaching each other.  We meet in our home with two to three other families, (or as a single family), and meet together as a larger group once a quarter, once a semester for Parent's night, and for occasional field trips.  It's a great way to keep up on your CC memory work, while having the motivation to finish it!

As this is a Non-denominational Christian Co-op, individual views in faith sometimes arise.  It is our desire to have an atmosphere where all are welcome, and invited to live their faith.  We study math, history, latin, grammar, science, and timeline information.  We have science experiments and art/music projects.  We give oral reports.  We also work on memorizing scriptures from the Bible.  (** See below.)

It is my goal that we will all love coming to class, enjoy learning, and look forward to companionship with friends and fellow homeschooling families.  The Lord has guided us in so many ways, and I know He is pleased when we come together through our academic pursuits.

May this school year will be the best one yet!


CLASSICAL CONVERSATIONS, Cycle 1(Foundations Program)

 Timeline* & Presidents*
 Veritas Press Cards for 160 Major events & people of World History (Creation through Modern America)
All US Presidents
 History Facts*
World:  Historical Empires, Peoples & Countries (Ancient to Modern)
Africa and the World
Science Facts*
(12 weeks Biology), (12 weeks Earth Science)
Skip Counting, Multiplication Tables, Geometric Formulas, Alegebraic Laws, Conversations
Eng. Grammar*
Verbs, Prepositions
Noun Endings (Declensions)
Exodus 20
Science (experiments & projects)
Kingdom of Living Things, Dissections, Nature Walks, Parts of a Flower, Rocks & Minerals
Fine Arts
Basic Drawing:  Shapes, Mirror Images, Abstract, Perspective
Artists:  Giotto, Ghiberti, Fra Angelico, Durer, Michelangelo, El Greco
Baroque & Classical Orchestra.  Handel, Bach, Mozart
Each week practice oral presentation skills by presenting on a topic.
**Optional Memory Master track, where a student strives to memorize all information.

The material taught in Foundations 
is divided into three cycles: one cycle 
per year for three years. Each cycle 
consists of 24 weeks of memory work.

Faith Statement

“We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.” (Eleventh Article of Faith.)

This group is comprised of Christians.  People who love the Savior Jesus Christ, and want to raise their children in an environment where their testimony of Him can grow as they learn and study the world around them.   As our family belongs to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints, we have a desire to follow the Classical Conversations curriculum while maintaining our religious identity.  Our Classical Education Co-Op group includes members other denominations as well. 

With the spirit of love and charity, this group can be a great source of community and friendship.  We can teach our children in an environment that seeks for “anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy” (Thirteenth Article of Faith).

It is our desire to have an excellent Classical Education, focusing on the 4 R's... Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Righteousness!  We invite any and all to participate with us!

— Candi

Essentials of our Faith —FYI

The Articles of Faith —FYI

Lunch and Snacks

• Please bring a small snack that can be easily eaten during the morning CC time. Place it inside a ziploc bog that is labeled with your child's name on it, so they can easily retrieve it from the snack basket. We only have 5 minutes for snack.

• Nice to bring a water bottle with your child's name on it.

• Please bring lunch for your own family to eat directly after CC. This time is important to build relationships with each other, and catch up on non-CC topics. It helps us keep talking on subject during the day if we know we have this time to catch up later.

• Please keep in mind that parents are always responsible for their children's supervision.
Lunch is from 12 to 12:20 p.m. Fun time is from 12:20 p.m. To 12:50 p.m., so as to be ready for enrichment classes at 1 p.m. Below are some ideas to keep lunch time activities refreshing:

• Qtr 1: - 
• Qtr 2: Bring scooters & basketballs
• Qtr 3: Bring jump ropes & soccer balls 
• Qtr 4: Bring running shoes & hula hoops 
• Rainy days: board games & chess
Any street activities require an adult close by at all times.

Facility Care

It's always a good policy to leave somewhere better than when you came. This is a great opportunity to teach our children service through example as we care for the homes that are hosting our co-ops. It is not required, but really appreciated.

• Vacuuming main rugs 
• Sweeping hallway & kitchen 
• Misc. trash cleanup 
• Empty kitchen garbage 
• Quick main bathroom cleanup with Clorox wipe

Sick Child Policy

Does your sick child have any of these symptoms? If so, most providers indicate your son or daughter should stay at home until the illness is no longer contagious and the child feels well enough to return to school or be around other youngsters.

• Fever above 100oF and looks and acts ill 
• Signs of possible severe illness such as uncontrolled coughing, 
• difficulty breathing, wheezing, persistent crying, or lethargy 
• Diarrhea 
• Vomiting; once a youngster has vomited, most health providers
require that your sick child does not return to school for a
minimum of 24 hours 
• Any sort of rash, especially when accompanied by a fever or
behavior change

While having a sick child is a hardship for most families, it is important that parents enact the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”

Thank you for considering these recommendations and implementing them for your children this school year. Remember that washing hands OFTEN is the best way to reduce the chance of sickness spreading.

If sickness should occur at our host's house, we will meet at the other families house for that quarter. The schedule will go back to usual for the next week. Ex. Qtr. 2 rotates between two families. If the host is sick, the director will notify everyone via phone of the changes at least 2 hours before class.

Expectations for a Learning Environment

Your children are going to learn an amazing amount of information this year. They will grow spiritually, socially, and academically as they interact with God's Word and other children.

Our method of tutoring is modeling. Tutors demonstrate to both the students and their mothers various methods of memorizing grammar from all major subjects. These techniques are then practiced with the students so that they know what to do when they go home. You as the parent, however, are still primarily responsible for the education of your child.

Kindly remember that this is not only your first experience with Classical Conversations, but your host's as a tutor/ director as well. Please extend grace to her as she is stepping out on faith in response to this call. We are all making sacrifices in order to provide a positive and fun learning environment. We need to be patient as the program develops over the year.

We need to remember that there are many ways to accomplish a task. The person who is designated the teacher for a certain subject is the teacher. Please be respectful to her and her preparation by letting her be in charge, and by not talking to other parents during class. It is very distracting to the teacher and the students. Should the teacher be disrupted by parents socializing, she may comment on “How nicely the children are behaving today!” This is your cue to that she is asking the parents to be quiet without the children knowing.

Please be alert to giving hands-on assistance (i.e. passing out or collecting supplies, assisting with children's science or fine arts projects, etc. to the Teacher during class.) If an offense is made one to another, among the students or the adults, then the biblical model applies; Matthew 18 is our basis for this. If you disagree with something the Teacher says or does, please approach the Teacher privately.


  1. Looking for advice. I'm considering doing something similar and would love to talk!

  2. Hi Natalie,
    You're welcome to email me at Thanks!
