Monday, October 3, 2011

Scripture Mastery Games & Mastery Sheet

Click on image to enlarge and print out on 8 1/2 x 11 paper.

Qtr.1, 2011-12

Qtr.2, 2011-12

Qtr.3, 2011-12

Qtr.4, 2011-12

Very cool website listed above that helps you memorize scriptures.
24 scriptures from the Old and New Testament:  King James Version.

For those who find the King James Version difficult to understand...
Remember, we're learning the language of the scriptures.  Just like a foreign language, getting use to biblical speaking is an important skill to acquire.  We will be learning John 1 in Latin this year.  There is power in knowledge.  It is worth the effort to know how to translate the scriptures ourselves.  Greek, Hebrew, and Latin were it's first languages.  Thee's and Thou's are a foreign language today that can be learned with practice.

The image above is also great to put in a binder for future reference... so you can have a Scripture Mastery Binder!

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