Thursday, April 16, 2009

Tea Party South Florida

We went to two Tea Parties Yesterday.  The Boca Party was very low key.  We were quite popular with people taking our picture, as I brought all my kids.  

The Fort Lauderdale Party was much better.  We had a sleeping toddler, so we decided to drive up and down the block with a huge American Flag out our window, and this poster that said:
"Honk If I'm Paying Your Mortgage!"
It was amazing how popular our car was.  As soon as our sign was read, the crowd burst into applause and cheers.  

It was a good lesson for my kids to be a part of.  Freedom of Speech.  Now, lets see if the men on the hill listen.

Click here to see pictures of


  1. Yeah! I have been reading all about these. Way to go ultra conservative. we didn't have much close by, but I listened to talk radio all day. How fun!

  2. You go girl!

    We too went to ours! I'll post pics soon!

  3. I like your sign the best, too. Way to make a statment, super mom!
